Thursday, February 27, 2014


Valentine’s Day may be over, but the love-in continues! Join Chris and Cindy as they tackle the loves and losses of comicdom’s most famous red and blue heroes! Yes, it’s DC and Marvel’s flagship characters, Superman and Spider-Man!

Follow Spidey and his bride-to-be-and-yet-never-was Mary Jane from that first famous door knock, to the deal with the devil that undid it all.

Then stop by Metropolis to visit comics’ first couple, Lois and Clark, who finally made good on 50 years of “will-they-won’t-they” to ultimately land on “they never did”.

The winding road of romance proves their greatest enemies for happiness not to be Lex Luthor or the Green Goblin, but executives at the very companies they keep afloat!

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Let us know what you think! We’d love to read your comments. Drop a line here on the comments section of the blog, or email us directly at

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Chris co-hosts the Power Records Podcast with the Esteemed Rob Kelly over at the Fire and Water Podcast feed! Check them out here:

Next time, it’s two of our favorite episodes of Batman: The Animated Series!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Super Mates Episode 1 -Comic Couples Part 1

It’s our debut episode, and it’s Valentine’s Day! Join Chris and Cindy Franklin as they reveal the Secret Origin of their relationship, and how it involves comics. Then we get to the topic at hand, and examine some of comicdom’s greatest couples and learn lessons in love and marriage, including;

• Self-mutilation to save your child.
• When is it okay to wear dominatrix gear and torture your spouse and teammates?
• Fostering a strong marriage with an inescapable reincarnation curse hanging over your heads.

Chris and Cindy pick apart the so-called wedded bliss of Aquaman and Mera, the Fantastic Four’s Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, and Hawkman and Hawkgirl. It’s a journey through comic history, including retcons, reboots, reimaginings, and Hollywood as the Franklins prove love can survive even the most convoluted stories writers can throw at it.

Let us know what you think! We’d love to read your comments. Drop a line here on the comments section of the blog, or email us directly at

Special thanks to our friends who helped get this baby off the ground by giving us loads of helpful advice! Check out their awesome podcasts! We love them!

Rob Kelly

Andrew Leyland

Brian Heiler

Come back in two weeks for part two of our Super Couples expose!  Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Mates is coming!

The podcast where a certified comic/sci-fi/fantasy geek actually gets his wife to co-host a show with him! Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

Join Chris and Cindy Franklin on their bi-weekly journey through all things geeky. They'll discuss comics, movies, TV shows, books, toys...anything and everything geeks love to gab about.

 Check out our trailer!

Super Mates Trailer

Be sure to check back on Valentine's Day, February 14th for the premiere episode focusing on famous couples of the comics!

So please join us for Super Mates, The Husband and Wife Geekcast!