Thursday, July 3, 2014

Super Mates Episode 10: Spider-Man TV Pilot Film with Andrew Leyland

This episode, Chris and Cindy Franklin are joined by Andrew Leyland of such fine podcasts as Hey Kids, Comics!, The Fantasticast, and Palace of Glittering Delights to discuss Andy’s topic of choice; the 1977 Spider-Man TV pilot film!

Journey with Andy and the Super Mates on a free-wheeling trip back to the decade of polyester and see how the Spidey legend was reinterpreted through 70s eyes…and low TV budgets!

The trio explores the history of the series, and how it measures up to Spidey comics of the time, and contemporary comic-to-TV adaptations like Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk. Do they, as Andy would say “take the Mick out of it”? Or do they give it a radioactive thumbs up? Listen on True Believers!!!

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Be sure to let us know what you think! What did you think of this film, and the TV series? Would you like to hear more guests on the show? Let your voice be heard! We’d love to read it aloud in an upcoming episode. Drop us a line in our comments section, or email us at If you're listening on iTunes, please consider leaving a review of our show! We’re also on Facebook!

Chris (aka Earth 2 Chris) co-hosts the Power Records Podcast with the aforementioned Rob Kelly over at the Fire and Water Podcast feed!

Next time: Evil Twins episode! Super Friends: Universe of Evil and Justice League: A Better World!


  1. Thoroughly enjoyed this episode (as I do all of them), but I felt that Cindy was a little harsh on the Spidey show! Sure, it's pretty lame, but I felt like they were trying to do something cool, but they just lacked the money. Maybe the CBS Dr Strange movie will be more to her liking!

  2. Heck, I thought Cindy and Andy were a little hard on it myself, but then I'm a sucker for things I loved as a kid. I do think they are right, there seems to be a lack of passion for the material.

    I haven't seen the Dr. Strange flick in years. I just remember his perm...

