Thursday, July 16, 2015

Super Mates Episode 35: The Adventures of Captain America, Part 2

Chris and Cindy continue to examine The Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty mini-series by Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire. Steve Rogers continues his journey from skinny recruit to living legend. He is pulled further and further into the Red Skull’s plot to steal the secrets of Project: Rebirth! Along the way he and Bucky meet with death, betrayal, and Adolf Hitler himself!

What did Chris and Cindy think of the wrap-up? Did it meet the high standards set by the first two issues?

Listen on!

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Be sure to let us know what you think! Let your voice be heard! We’d love to read it aloud in an upcoming episode. Drop us a line in our comments section, or email us at If you're listening on iTunes, please consider leaving a review of our show! We’re also on Facebook!

Chris (aka Earth 2 Chris) co-hosts the Power Records Podcast with the esteemed Rob Kelly over at the Fire and Water Podcast feed! 

Chris recently guested on the following shows:

Next time: Ryan Daly (Secret Origins podcast, Flowers & Fishnets, Dead Bothan Spies) drops by to discuss our favorite villains from Batman: The Animated Series!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Super Mates Episode 34: The Adventures of Captain America, Part 1

Happy Independence Day! Chris and Cindy celebrate the 4th of July by looking at the first two issues of the 1991 mini-series The Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty by Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire. This 50th anniversary series explores in-depth the origins of Steve Rogers, and how he became the Star-Spangled Avenger. It also served as an inspiration to one of Chris and Cindy’s favorite films Captain America: The First Avenger! Learn why Steve Rogers volunteered for Project: Rebirth! Meet the other candidates who COULD have been America’s Super Soldier! Witness the carnage wrought by the evil Nazi Killing Squad! All this, Bucky Barnes and the Red Skull!!!

Listen on!

Download directly or via iTunes.

Be sure to let us know what you think! Let your voice be heard! We’d love to read it aloud in an upcoming episode. Drop us a line in our comments section, or email us at If you're listening on iTunes, please consider leaving a review of our show! We’re also on Facebook!

Chris (aka Earth 2 Chris) co-hosts the Power Records Podcast with the esteemed Rob Kelly over at the Fire and Water Podcast feed! 

Next time: We conclude our look at this epic mini-series! Action, heartbreak and red,white and blue adventure ensue!